Vega Conflict Wiki

General Info

Any and all ships in the game can be classified as hulls. Each hull has five types of rarity, all judged from combat effectiveness. They go in order from white, green, blue, purple, then orange.

Vega Conflict: Types Of Ships

Known Issues

Listed here are bugs that have been identified with this Unit or Feature. Once fixed each issue will be moved to Resolved.

Existing Known Bugs :

Resolved Bugs :

  • Ships will now require a set amount of health in order to be launched.

Forum Discussion Links :

Additional Facts

  • Certain ships have different strengths and weaknesses. For example, the battleships 25% increase in range makes it good for auto fleets. The cruiser's ability to take damage makes it good for brawling
  • Your fleet level is dependent on not only the ships, but the equipment they have too
  • Fleets have a +5 and -5 attack range, for example, a level 27 fleet can be hit by any fleet that is between level 22-32
  • Once your fleet level reaches level 40+, your fleet can be hit by ANY other level 40+ Fleet
  • It is extremely important to note that escorts and guards can still be hit by fleets that are even +10 levels their size. The reason is because when a fleet attacks a base or another fleet, the guard or escort immediately steps in to engage the fleet. It is NOT a bug or a hack.

All items (27)
